The Department of pedagogy took shape as a separate administrative unit in the Vladimir state pedagogical Institute in 1966 (read more)
The chair is headed by doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, member-korr. International Academy of science teacher education (IASP) Seliverstov Elena.
The Department provides training of undergraduate students in the disciplines:
1."Pedagogy and psychology", which includes the following modules:
•General psychology (1 semester)
•Social psychology (2nd semester)
•Age and pedagogical psychology (3 semester)
•General basics of pedagogy. Introduction to pedagogical activity. History of pedagogics and education (4 semester)
•Theory and methods of education. Social pedagogics (5 semester)
•Theory of education and pedagogical technologies. Bases of management of educational systems. Normative and legal support of education (6 semester).
2. Elective courses.
The Department has magistracy 44.04.01 "Pedagogical education" training program "Pedagogical innovation". Head of the program is the head of the Department of pedagogics, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Seliverstova Elena Nikolaevna.
For all undergraduates in the direction of 44.04.01 "Pedagogical education" read the following subjects:
•Modern problems of science and education
•Methodology and methods of scientific research
•Innovative processes of education
The Department is known for two scientific historical and pedagogical schools, the origins of which were doctors of pedagogical Sciences, professors Felix Aronovich Fradkin (1933-1993) and Alexander Plekhanov (1926-1995)
The Department has a high scientific and creative potential. The Department has 4 professors: Seliverstova E. N., Rogacheva E. V., Doroshenko Svetlana and Plaksina Irina; 9 associate professors: Bogomolov Love Ivanovna, Damadanova Nina, Karina Drozd V., Erofeeva O. G., Izmailov Alla, Lavrent'ev Vladimir A., Morozova O. V., Romanova L. A., Sukhova Tatyana Alekseevna; 1 head. Cabinet-Smirnova Anna Nikolaevna.
In line with the modernization of the national education system, the Department proceeds from the personality-oriented and competence-based approaches as the most important conceptual provisions, assuming the focus of the educational process on the formation of the personal competence of the teacher and the student, their readiness to constantly improve the educational level, stimulating the need for actualization and realization of their personal potential, ability to self-development.
Areas of scientific and methodological research of the Department are associated with the development of methodological, historical and pedagogical, theoretical and technological aspects of the educational process in the transition from cognitive to personality-oriented school strategy, as well as the development of the structure and content of educational and methodological support of pedagogical disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the modern state standard of higher education.
At the chair the scientific management of postgraduates of full – time and correspondence forms of training in the direction of preparation 44.06.01 "Education and pedagogical Sciences (orientation-13.00.01 "General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education") is carried out. Over the past 10 years, the Department has prepared 7 candidates of Sciences and 1 doctor of Sciences under the direction of prof. Seliverstova E. N., 5 candidates of Sciences under the direction of prof. Rogacheva E. Yu.
The chair has the developed system of versatile cooperation with educational institutions, methodical services and governing bodies of education of the Vladimir region, acts as the regional center on development, realization and examination of modern programs of continuous pedagogical education. Being a basic research and educational-methodical Association, the Department substantially forms an innovative educational space of the Vladimir region.